Bee ++ is intended to explore how digital and biologically inspired fabrication techniques can be combined to produce architectural structures.The architectural and scientific community is now looking at natural ways of 3D printing, like for example deploying silkworms or specific type of cyanobacteria over existing substratum and how this could help us to develop ways of “printing” architectural structures that are more resilient than current 3Dprinting technologies. Similarly we are exploring construction behaviour of the bees in creating additive morphologies.Bee++ is a project of IaaC IAACbcn , Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA01) in 2015-16 by:Students: Burak Paksoy, Michel Alazzi, Nikolaos Argyros, FirasSafieddine, Sameera Chukkapalli.Faculty: Claudia Pasquero (Introductory Studio Tutor), Carmelo Zappulla (Introductory Studio Tutor), Maria Kuptsova (Introductory Studio Assistant)