Human Machinic Drawings
An exhibition by IaaC and Eduard Cabaye's Studio at La Casa Elizalde looks at drawing in a different way. Three interesting exhibition spaces, target the different ways drawing, and tools of drawing can be looked at. The first uses machines designed and fabricated by IaaC students to generate drawings, the second is a huge drawing machine that uses data from the Barcelona Smart Citizen device, and the third is a manual set of 12 drawings by 12 artists where the hand was looked at as a tool, as the drawing was following a protocol which had an objective of cancelling out the brain, when spending 60 minutes with a continuous line at a uniform speed going through static points with ruled inflections.
This is an experimental project of which I took part in as an artist in the protocol hand drawing.
NB: the Video displayed in the exhibition is a video of my hand moving over an area of paper with an intention to draw thoughtlessly*.